How to remain well and prevent cervical cancer

A combination of immunization, routine checkups, and good lifestyle choices can prevent cervical cancer. Here are some actions that you can do:

HPV Vaccination

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary cause of cervical malignancies. Cervical cancer can be considerably decreased by receiving an HPV vaccination. Although young adults can also receive the HPV vaccination, teenagers are usually vaccinated against it before to engaging in sexual activity.

Frequent Pap Smear Tests

Pap smears, often known as Pap tests, are a screening tool for cervical cancer that can identify abnormal cells in the cervix before they develop into cancer. It’s crucial to discuss suggested Pap test frequency with your healthcare professional as it may vary based on your age and risk factors.

HPV Testing

To identify high-risk HPV strains linked to cervical cancer, HPV testing is an additional diagnostic option to Pap smears. Pap smears and HPV tests are frequently performed together, particularly for women over 30.

Practices for Safe Sexual Intercourse

By using condoms correctly and consistently, you can lower your chance of acquiring HPV and other STIs, which can worsen cervical cancer.

Reducing the Number of Sexual Partners

Reducing the number of sexual partners you have can lower your chance of HPV infection and, in turn, cervical cancer.

Quitting Smoking

Smoking might make it harder for your body to fight off HPV infections and raise your risk of cervical cancer. Give up smoking to reduce your risk.

Healthy Lifestyle

Upholding a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular exercise can all improve general wellbeing and lower the risk of cancer.

Frequent Medical Visits

Schedule routine examinations and screenings with your healthcare practitioner. Talk about your risk factors and any worries you may have about preventing cervical cancer.

By taking these precautions, you can raise the chances of early identification and effective treatment in the event that abnormalities are found, as well as dramatically lower your risk of having cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Symptoms

  • Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: This includes bleeding during menopause, after sexual activity, or in between cycles. It might be less or heavier than normal, and bleeding during a pelvic exam or douching might also be possible.
  • Pelvic pain: This might happen at other times or during sexual activity. It can range in severity from moderate to severe can be intermittent or chronic.
  • Unusual Vaginal Discharge: This might smell bad, be bloody, or be watery.
  • Urination that hurts: This might be an indication that the malignancy has progressed to surrounding tissues.
  • Back or leg pain: This might happen if the cancer has progressed to other bodily areas, such the lymph nodes or bones.
  • Loss of Weight: Unexpected loss of weight may indicate advanced cervical cancer.

For further information or for any kind of cancer therapy, please get in touch with Dr. Manish Sharma, the leading cancer specialist at Fortis Hospital Noida, as well as the Cancer Care clinic in Faridabad. Call him at +91-9717718836.